Friday, September 11, 2009

"Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?"

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?"

Stupid, I know. I'm a mom, sue me. But, the thing is, everyone on Sesame Street is happy all the time. Even if they fight, cry, feel scared, are unsure of themselves - someone is always there to help them figure it out or make them feel better.

Everybody has a place to live. Apartments are just as good as trash cans.

Everybody eats food - and it's healthy but yummy so nobody is fat. And even if they are a little fat, it's okay because people accept each other for who they are. Families are diverse.

It doesn't matter if you live with your mom, your gradma, am adopted parent, a monster, or a snuffleupagus, you have a family that loves you.

Color isn't an issue. Red monsters befriend orange monsters. Ethnicity isn't an issue. Grouches rommate with worms. Money isn't an issue. The only reason anyone talks about it is to learn to count, otherwise, everything is free.

On top of everything else, there is learning. The best learning takes place via singing and dancing. Even the haters end up enjoying their education because something new is always being presented in a manner which makes everyone ecstatic.

On days when I'm really angry, and many of those times it might be about nothing at all or something so unjustified it's embarrasing, I remind myself that there are places and people in the world that find the best in life. They sing and dance and love each other. They eat, drink, be merry. They live, laugh, love. Call it whatever you wish but the truth is that life is too short for us to be anything but content. If you don't like something about your life, well then go out and change it!

"Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street" is a call for action. It's a request that you find the silver lining in every cloud and face every situation with a smile. Such a simple message, such a hard thing to do.

At some point today, when my 2-year old has hit me in the face and told me "stop it mommy" for the tenth time, when my husband has opened a string cheese and left the wrapper on the counter because that's where he thinks trash goes, when my mother has called me to tell me that if I take my kid to McDonald's one more time I'm going to hell, I'll take a deep breath and remember that everything on Sesame Street is wonderful. And it can be in my house too, if I let it.


  1. The title of the blog was the first thing that got my attention. I was wondering what sesame street had to do with life motto. After reading the blog I agree Sesame Street does sound like a great place to live. I think it should be the kind of place we strive to create so it is a good place to use as a motto for how we live our life.

  2. Hi Professor DiFabio,

    I like all the philosophys I've read so far, but I think I like yours the best! Its original, and very well said. I never thought of that to be honest. Now that I think of it, sesame street would be a great place to live.

  3. I have taught preschool for many years, and trust me I agree with your motto 100%. Sesame Street teaches the message that is taught in preschool over and over again. Everyone is nice to eachother and problems are solved with a hug and a kind act. I wish I knew where along the way these lessons are lost and all the violence and intolerance replaces them.
    I'll let you know when I find the way to Sesame Street.

  4. Hi Professor!

    I definatly like this motto, it was very catchy and got me interested! I think it is cute and the examples you used were very much desired in today's world. Such as, "Color isn't an issue. Red monsters befriend orange monsters. Ethnicity isn't an issue. Grouches rommate with worms."
    Definatly a cool way to look at it! :)

  5. I like how you took a somewhat childish motto and made it into a far more mature lesson.

  6. I've never thought about Sesame Street that way but it does sound like a nice place to be.

  7. Hi professor DiFabio,
    I like your moto, it is very cute. Growing up I enjoyed watching Sesame Street, so this example reminds me of my childhood comfort.The monsters were nice and everyone was always happy.Watching it cheered me up.

  8. Professor DiFabio:

    It looks like you are just looking to live in a Utopia in which everything is perfect and equal! But I really like your closing paragraph because thats how it is in my house... maybe I should go clean the mess I made downstairs...


  9. wow i like your motto its very intresting, enjoyable in the beginning but very serious at the end. i want to be on sesame street very intresting.

  10. I like how you developed your point.The world would be just like sesame street if we all let it.maybe then sesame street would have to adjust to that "normalcy" by raising the standards.

  11. Well, Prof. D, do you know the way to sesame street because i really want to go after reading this. I was actually thinking of vacationing in Jamaica this next spring but sesame street is looking pretty awesome now! lol

  12. Hi Professor Difabio,
    When I read your blog, the first thing that caught my attention was your motto. I have always loved watching Seasme Street ever since i was little. I like the theme song. Your motto is very creative.

  13. Yes, Sesame Street sounds like a utopia, too bad we bad we can't live there.

  14. I like the blog it is an interesting concept I never saw it that way.

  15. It's funny how a childrens puppet show can end up sending such a great message. I myself too believe that a person's happiness in life strongly depends on how they look at things.

  16. great philosophy. I like how you used a childrens t.v. show to explain a philosophy. I would love to live in a place like that.
